A Guide To Understanding And Treating HPV In Teenage Boys

29 December 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


In recent years, there has been extensive research and information sharing about the issues associated with HPV and women. However, it is easy to overlook that HPV can also be a problem for males. If you have recently discovered that your son has been diagnosed with one or more of the over 100 different strands of HPV, it is a good idea to be aware of the facts provided below. 

HPV Is The Most Common STI In The United States...And Many Infected Persons Don't Know About It For Years 

It is often surprising to learn that HPV, which is short for Human Papillomavirus, is the most common STI, or sexually transmitted infection, in the United States. In fact, it is so common that the majority of sexually active people in the U.S. will contract it during their lifetimes, although fortunately, many people never experience any problems or complications from the virus. In addition, it can be transmitted from one person to another without any symptoms. 

Since HPV can cause genital warts and cancer for both genders, early diagnosis, prompt treatment when necessary and practicing safer sex in the future is crucial. Unfortunately, HPV will often present with specific and unique challenges that make it particularly challenging to treat. The diagnosis of HPV in your teenage boy is likely to prompt the need for you to have a difficult conversation with him. 

Responsibility With Current. Former And Future Partners Is Essential  

For example, it is common to assume that your son's recent girlfriend was the carrier, when the truth is that HPV can remain dormant and asymptomatic for years. Therefore, it is important for your son to contact each person with whom he has ever been intimate and advise for them to be tested. Unlike some other sexually transmitted diseases or infections, the Center For Disease Control does not make contact with each person that has been diagnosed with HPV. Instead, they get their information from the reporting states, so it will be solely up to your son to do the responsible thing for is partners.

Although your son could never show any symptoms of the virus, he will need to practice safer sex unless the physician has determined that the virus is no longer present. If that happens, the doctor will be able to make recommendations about the ongoing need for protection, even if your son is in a committed relationship. If the virus is still in his system when he and a future partner want to have children, he should discuss the situation with his physician and otherwise, condoms are crucial.  

It Is Possible That Your Son Will Not Need Treatment

Since there are so many different types of HPV and some do not cause any problems, you may find that your son does not need a treatment. In some cases, the virus goes away on its own or remains dormant. Treatment is only needed in men if the virus has already caused warts on the hands, feet, mouth or genitals, in which case it is necessary to have them removed. Your son should make sure that his physician is aware of the HPV diagnosis and tests for it is a part of his regular exams, since some strands will go away over time.

In conclusion, discovering that your teenage son has been diagnosed with HPV can be both shocking and terrifying. Therefore, 

you are likely to find that the information listed above will help you to help your son stay as healthy as possible.