3 Treatments Your Struggling Lawn May Need

12 February 2021
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog


Your lawn care is normally something you can do on your own, but occasionally you may run up against a situation where the lawn requires professional lawn treatment to perform at its best. Here are a few examples of the types of treatments you may need if your lawn is struggling.

1. Pesticide treatments

Many lawn troubles spring from the fact that pests, especially insects, love to munch on grass. Some of the pests that commonly eat lawns include leafhoppers, caterpillars such as armyworms, cutworms, Japanese beetle larvae, and mole crickets. These may range from a moderately damaging nuisance to a significant threat that can kill large patches of lawn.

Your lawn treatment service professionals can help you to determine which pests are perforating your lawn and then devise an appropriate pesticide treatment. If you'd like a broader-spectrum pesticide or a more pollinator-friendly, kid- and pet-friendly, or even organic treatment, your lawn treatment professionals can help you with that too.

2. Fertilizer burn treatment

When trying to encourage your lawn to be as lush as possible, you can easily go overboard and put just a little more fertilizer on than your grass is prepared to handle. This is especially easy to do if you're in a very dry spell, with no water to help dilute fertilizer and reduce burning. It can also happen if your grass isn't currently in a growth phase (meaning the fertilizer isn't used quickly and can easily build up to dangerous levels).

Your lawn treatment service can detect this issue for you, and can treat fertilizer burn. Some treatment options include removing any excess fertilizer, flushing away some of the excess chemicals (typically using water and perhaps applying a nitrogen neutralizer or gypsum powder if needed), and replacing any grass that's too far gone and won't recover quickly on its own.

3. Reseeding and irrigation

In some cases, your grass could just be dying out because it's had so little water for so long. If this is because of water use restrictions, you may want to wait until the restrictions are relaxed before you schedule your lawn treatment. Or, you could consider a type of irrigation that waters more efficiently with less water use (such as drip irrigation).

These are just a few of the lawn treatments that your lawn treatment service can provide for a damaged or otherwise struggling lawn. Get in touch with your local lawn treatment providers to discuss your lawn situation and needs.